23 Ekim 2008 Perşembe
P.S:Sorry for the empty blog below..i accidently clicked on enter button so i will write my opinion of 'technology in our lifes' in this blog.
None of us can deny the truth that we live in a world of technology .because techonoly is everywhere.
To be honest there are also disadvantages of technology.technology has taken some values away from our society,for example frienship and neighborliness.i mean people are becoming withdrawn,asocial.they are having more pleasure from Msn chattings than the pleasure they have from daily face-to-face conversations .i think it is a big distortion in the society.
In conclusion,technology has a huge influence on our lifes both positively and negatively but we can control it somehow.we all should decide whether we want to take advantages of technolgy or just become a cynical part of it..
None of us can deny the truth that we live in a world of technology .because techonoly is everywhere.
First of all,i will talk about internet .when i was a student of high school,i used internet only to enjoy my time,maybe once in a month i used internet for true education.but now as a student of Metu ,we have lessons in which we actively use internet.we write blogs on internet,we do homeworks on internet..this goes on..at the beginning,this situation was something very confusing and irritating.because it was a big change in my education and daily life.but i am getting used to it.it actually makes things easier for students and teachers.beside this,thanks to internet, we have a good communication chain for our announcements about lessons and other kinds of events.we have a chance to meet our classmates on internet,talk to each other..Consequently,internet is a thing that technology has brought to my life .
Secondly,mobile phone is another thing that technology added to my life.almost everyone i know has a mobile phone.and it's a necessity to have a phone,not a luxury..i can't even imagine how life was when there were no mobile phones..To be honest there are also disadvantages of technology.technology has taken some values away from our society,for example frienship and neighborliness.i mean people are becoming withdrawn,asocial.they are having more pleasure from Msn chattings than the pleasure they have from daily face-to-face conversations .i think it is a big distortion in the society.
In conclusion,technology has a huge influence on our lifes both positively and negatively but we can control it somehow.we all should decide whether we want to take advantages of technolgy or just become a cynical part of it..
21 Ekim 2008 Salı
We live in a world of technology in this era.What's the meaning of technology?In a simple definition, we can say it is the thing which makes our lifes easier, helps us to save time.For it is like that, we use it in every part of our daily lifes.But have you ever thought about it?In other words, can we see the benefits of it or the disadvantages of it?Of course, we see its benefits, that's why we use it.Even if we see its bad effects, we can't give up it or can't help using it!So what should we do?Is it right to use it regardless of its harm?I think we can't prevent that harm.If something brings us something new, it will take something else from us.It is inevitable.Now let's try to see what are these coming things to us and outgoing things from us.One of the benefits of technology is that it helps us connect with people all around the world.Even if we didn't see a person before, we can communicate with him or her.It helps us learn about what is going on around the world, too.It opens a window for us to see the outside world.That's to say, it brings the world to us!Another one is-as I said before-making life easier.In today's world we don't have enough time to do many things.For example women work outside the house and can't spend enough time to do the daily works of their houses.Machines are their biggest helpers!One of the other point is that with the processes that are made in the field of medicine by using technology, many diseases have started to be cured effectively.And also with the help of technology learning has increased.Thanks to computers, everything we want to know is under our hands!But it is a real fact that when it is like that, we are becoming lazy day by day.For instance; instead of going to libraries, we use internet to search for something.So we are going away from books.It also makes people unsociable.When you spend too much time with technological devices, such as computers, telephones, mobile phones, you don't spend time on doing other different things.In my opinion, technology is benefical and harmful at the same time.But its advantages which it brings us is much more than its disadvantages.Since people brougt it to today's world for being used, why don't we use it?We shouldn't forget that while using it we must be moderate...
20 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi
sometimes i ask this question to myself..what are the differences between my life and my grandmother's life??i always imagine that i opened my eyes to a world which is seemed colourful..but my grandmother's life seems black and white to me.we seem to be more lucky; because we have lots of opportunies: we can see our friends through a web cam no matter the distance,we can call whoever we want,we have much better health service,we just throw our clothes or dishes into a machine and it washes for us:)we stay in front of a screen and watch it for hours,so boredom should be far away..we can go everywhere with our vehicles,we can fly!think about the peole in the past:what would they do if they saw a flying object with wings like birds':))and also in their time there were no tvs,computers and phones were rare,the machines we use today were not existing too.they were always working,they were exausted,they had no time for themselves..but actually we have no time today,too!!we are always doing something,we are always working altough almost everything is done by machines,we can't get our duties done..and they were happy-an adjective which is far from most of us today..
in the past there was "hi!" but today people want to escape from each other..they just think of themselves.help between neighbours-especially in some towns- is nothing than a word which is in dictionaries now..
our relationships are getting weaker day by day..we are talking to each other less..
and wars..i don't see it necessary to talk about..but if i say with a few words in the past the wars were between soldiers..but with using tecnology in guns yes we have more power!we can kill more people!today not just soldiers but innocent people are died, too.because borders of the wars are expanded..because now our guns can kill a man from miles away..
tecnology may bring a lot of thing to our lives but i think it took and is still taking the double of what it gives..
in the past there was "hi!" but today people want to escape from each other..they just think of themselves.help between neighbours-especially in some towns- is nothing than a word which is in dictionaries now..
our relationships are getting weaker day by day..we are talking to each other less..
and wars..i don't see it necessary to talk about..but if i say with a few words in the past the wars were between soldiers..but with using tecnology in guns yes we have more power!we can kill more people!today not just soldiers but innocent people are died, too.because borders of the wars are expanded..because now our guns can kill a man from miles away..
tecnology may bring a lot of thing to our lives but i think it took and is still taking the double of what it gives..
19 Ekim 2008 Pazar
Discussion Question 3
What is the role of information technologies (i.e, the internet, the mobile phones etc.) in our lives? What do you think the use of information technologies add to and /or take away from the way you live and the way the way Turkish people live in general?
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