10 Kasım 2008 Pazartesi

Discussion 3.

I think that technologies are very convenient production for use in our modern life, but we do not have to forget that just as technology give as the ease they also have different and not benign impacts, as well. For example, phones – these days most of people cannot even imagine themselves without it. They use it at home, on the street, and even when they are driving which accordingly leads to accident. In many car accidents; unfortunately, many victims are the children. Under the reason of being busy and that why talking on the phone drivers cannot be acquitted, can’t they?! I do not want to say that phones have only bad influences they have positive effects, too, but we have to use it when we really need it but not for fun.
I am really appreciating the kitchen attributes in our days; they are easy for use and take not much more time, either.
The internet, oh – oh my trouble, it is, actually, very convenient method for communicating, researching, and spending time (if you have much, of course).

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